Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Two words to describe my new Doctor: LOVED HIM!

Every prayer has been answered! He was the nicest, most personable, most compassionate doctor. I could not have asked for a better doctor that suits me and what I wanted in a care provider! From his staff to his joking with Cody to HIM being excited about Parker's heartbeat- he was a true blessing from God! I have been very overwhelmed (along with Rosie) about the whole switching doctors process, but I truly believe that it paid off for both of us more than we ever thought it would have! I can't wait to continue my pregnancy journey with Dr. Seirafi! It is so great to see how something hard for you to do can turn into one of the greatest things! WAHOOOOOOO!


  1. Wohoo! I'm excited right there with you!!! Love you!

  2. I knew you would LOVE him!! He always made me laugh and I love the ladies that work in his office!! I am so happy for you guys :)

  3. I am so glad your appt went great and that you loved him!!!! How exciting!!! :)
